Process Flow Symbol Definitions

 Symbol Name Description

Start & Stop

Used to identify where the process begins and ends

Level 2 Process StepA cross reference back to the Level 2 process step 

External ProcessIndicates that an independent process provides input to or receives information from the current process step

InterfaceElectronic data as an input to or an output of the process step 

Decision DiamondIdentifies a decision point with branching logic

Off Page Reference

Indicates where on a subsequent page of a process flow a particular process step connects

On Page ReferenceIndicates where a on the current page of a process flow a particular process step connects


Allows clarifying details, notes and examples to be added to a process step definition 

Reports or DocumentationIdentifies where reports or documentation (electronic) are used as inputs to or produced as outputs of a process step

ApplicationRepresents the HCM application